Episode 183: Run, Don’t Jiu Jitsu

Back-to-back movie review episodes. The last one had a dozen reviews. This one has a dozen reviews courtesy of Erik Childress and Steve Prokopy including Christmas offerings featuring Kurt Russell (“The Christmas Chronicles: Part Two”) and a galaxy far, far away (“The Lego Star Wars Holiday Special”). They look at five documentaries ranging from facial recognition tech (“Coded Bias”), the psychology of murder (“Crazy, Not Insane”), the making of a horror masterpiece (“Leap of Faith: William Friedkin on the Exorcist”) a healthcare mystery (“Collective”) and the one involving John F. Kennedy (“Truth is the Only Client”). They also talk about the beginning of Steve McQueen’s Small Axe series (“Mangrove”), Guy Pearce as a real-life art forger (“The Last Vermeer”), a pair of shuttered theatrical releases finding their home on Hulu (“Happiest Season”, “Run”) and they see if they can survive the Predator/Mortal Kombat mash-up featuring Nicolas Cage (“Jiu Jitsu”)


Episode 184: SNL Past & SCTV Present Collide


Episode 182: Freaky Hillbillies & Fossil Lovin’