Episode 270: Ghostbusters – Answer the Criticism

Erik Laws normally joins the show to talk comic book adaptations, but a certain 1984 film is a favorite to many of us so he joins Erik Childress for a discussion of Jason Reitman’s modern follow-up to his father’s classic. Ghostbusters: Afterlife has drawn quite the division between those nostalgic for the original and critics who believe the fan service has reached a fever pitch. Has Reitman filled the film with so many easter eggs that it is nothing but a soulless trip down memory lane or is that a preemptive narrative that many could not get out of the way of when viewing the film. Both Eriks have their own thoughts on the film and delve into the criticism and whether or not it is unfounded.


Episode 271: The Power of Doth Protestin’ Too Much


Episode 269: The Everlasting Love Of Rocky, Food & Family