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Episode #56: John Carter (2012)

Sometimes your movie is just too dang expensive to turn a profit. Join me and astute film writer Daniel Carlson (@danielwcarlson) for an extensive discussion on a frequently lambasted movie that's also kinda low-key beloved in some ways.

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Episode #55: The Cat in the Hat (2003)

This one was painful for me to revisit. Fortunately I have a very upbeat guest with which to discuss this misshapen combination of sweat, decibels, and paint. It's Jeffrey Patrick (@jeffmovieman) who was brave enough to (partially) defend (some of) this movie.

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Episode #54: The Fly II (1989)

As a horror fan who grew up knee-deep in the 1980s, let me just say this: David Cronenberg's The Fly (1986) is one of the best horror films of the entire decade. Without question. And then they made a sequel!  Thanks to my old friend and ravenous movie nerd Rob Dean (@neuroticmonkey) of neonsplatter.com for being an excellent guest!

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Bonus Episode: What's New on the Patreon & 2023's Most Overhated!

As a big thanks to all our listeners, I've invited Erik Childress to join me for a discussion regarding 2023's most overhated films. And yes, there were a few. We also run through a big batch of recent Patreon episodes, ramble a bit about random nerd minutiae, and talk about the show's awesome new sponsor. Fun stuff! 

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Episode #53: Mission: Impossible II (2000)

It was the highest grossing movie of 2000, so how hated could it be, right? Big thanks to film nerd Merrill Barr (@merrillbarr) for his firm and energetic defense of the most controversial chapter in a widely adored franchise.

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Episode #52: Highlander 2: The Quickening (1991)

Call it The Quickening; call it The Renegade Cut; it's still Highlander 2, which means it's one of the most feverishly savaged movies we've ever covered on Overhated. Big thanks to veteran film critic Fred Topel (@fredtopel) for joining me in this very amusing conversation.

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Episode #51: Battleship (2012)

This episode is dedicated to my wonderful friend James Rocchi, who recently passed away at the age of 51. Today (12/29) was his birthday. It's mine as well.  This was one of James' favorite "popcorn movies," so I sat down with TV writer Shawna Benson (@shawnabenson), who also loved James deeply, to discuss the over-the-top lunacy of Battleship.

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Episode #50: The Golden Child (1986)

Back in 1986, right in between Beverly Hills Cop and Beverly Hills Cop II, Eddie Murphy did a movie for Paramount that opened, made a decent amount of money, and promptly vanished from our collective memory. In this episode you'll hear me and writer / producer Zack Stentz (@musezack) discuss our fond memories of this odd film, and our opinions on how it holds up now.

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Episode #49: The Village (2004)

Early in his career M. Night Shyamalan became known as the "twist ending" director, which reminds me of a great Reggie Jackson quote: "the only problem with hitting four home runs in one game is that now people want you to do it every night."  In other words, this filmmaker painted himself into a "twist ending" corner, at least for one movie, and the result was an oddly beautiful period piece that people still love to complain / argue about. Big thanks to film critic Richard Newby (@richardLnewby) for joining me in this episode.

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Episode #48: The Core (2003)

Nobody mocked Jules Verne when he wanted to travel into the center of the Earth in his stories -- so why does everyone love to pick on The Core so dang much? To answer that question about this movie we have guest host Amanda Smith (@amandasmithsays) of the Disaster Girls podcast.  If this movie ever needs a lawyer, she's who it should call.

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Episode #47: The Keep (1983)

What happens when a hard-headed young filmmaker butts heads with anonymous studio executives who hate his movie? In 1983 you'd get something like The Keep, which is half a mess and half a pretty damn good horror movie with a cool setting, some memorable music, and a very curious cast. Joining me for this discussion is filmmaker / DVD producer Charles de Lauzirika (@Lauzirika), and this is a man who knows a thing or two about reconstructing problematic movies. (Looking at you, Alien 3!)

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Episode #46: Jingle All the Way (1996)

You'd have to be a hardcore Christmas movie fanatic to truly enjoy this wacky Arnold farce from the mid-'90s, right? Perhaps. Fortunately we happen to have just such an Xmas fan in guest host / podcast producer Jordan Kauwling (@cinnamonlafemme), and she's got plenty to say about what she likes about this flick. As for me, well. I'm sort of a Scrooge in this episode.

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Episode #45: Rise of the Guardians (2012)

My pal Jeff Bayer (@bayerjeff) has two little kids, and that's why he's grown to love this big-budget animated feature that made good money, yet still managed to help destroy an entire studio. (sad but true!) Join me Jeff, Santa, Easter Bunny, and the rest of the gang on this goofy episode of Overhated.

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Episode #44: The Bonfire of the Vanities (1990)

It's one of the biggest bombs in modern movie history; financially, critically, artistically, you name it. It's an infamous mess made all the more fascinating by Julie Salamon's fantastic book (and podcast!) The Devil's Candy, and it still stands as a movie that film nerds love to banter about. For example, in this episode I'm joined by film critic / author / old friend Jason Bailey (@jasondashbailey), and we pretty much can't shut up. Plus there's a good chunk near the end where we focus on Jason's excellent new book, Fun City Cinema: New York City and the Movies That Made It.

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Episode #43: Quantum of Solace (2008)

A few years ago it sure seemed like this follow-up to Casino Royale was the most hated Bond film of all time, but then Spectre showed up and all of a sudden Solace didn't seem quite so unwelcome. Join me and film critic / Bond fan Pramit Chaterjee (@pramitheus) for a discussion about "Casino Royale 2," and how it's not nearly as forgettable as we thought it was ten years ago.

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Episode #42: Hook (1991)

When Steven Spielberg is firing on all cylinders he delivers movies like Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Jurassic Park. But even when he's only firing on 75% of his cylinders he still turns out "lesser" movies like 1991's Hook, which has a seriously passionate fanbase despite being generally regarded as one of his second-tier films. Big thank to film critic Danielle Solzman (@danielleSATM) for recommending this one and joining me for a brief but spirited discussion.

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Episode #41: mother! (2017)

Some call it a horrifying fever dream; others refer to it as a cinematic panic attack. And those are the people who like it! General audiences back in 2017 were clearly unhappy with what Darren Aronofsky was doling out this time around -- but some brave moviegoers, and a good portion of film critics, found a lot to like. And this insane thriller has earned lots of new fans over the past few years. Big thanks to film critic Courtney Howard (@lulamaybelle) for joining me for this discussion!

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Episode #40: Bewitched (2005)

When is a TV-to-movie adaptation not exactly a TV-to-movie adaptation? When it's a super-meta ball of confusion like Nora Ephron's colorful yet confused adaptation of the classic sitcom Bewitched. This is an oddly unspectacular movie, but with talent like Nicole Kidman, Will Ferrell, Shirley MacLaine, Michael Caine, and Steve Carell on board, there's got to be a little bit of gold here... right? I sit down with my old friend and former film critic Eric Snider (@ericdsnider) to discuss this movie, making us the first people to do so in probably ten years.

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Episode #39: Reefer Madness (1936)

If you want to do a podcast about historically lambasted movies, you're going to come across the certifiably wacky 1936 propaganda flick Reefer Madness eventually -- and boy does this thing hold up as an unintentional laugh riot. For this episode I'm joined by film & game critic Shaurya Chawla (@_ShauryaChawla), and suffice to say that we continue to be endlessly amused by this very stupid film that thought it was being very serious indeed. 

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