Episode 8: How Do You Know?

If there is a romantic comedy than Morgan Gire and Erik Childress can agree about it is James L. Brooks’ 2010 film, How Do You Know. While they may clash with those that dismissed it and audiences that turned it into a genuine bomb, the hosts have a lot to say about it that makes it worthy of a re-evaluation. Whether or not Jack Nicholson phoned his role in for his friend is up for debate, Morgan and Erik find a lot to appreciate in the unique way Brooks handles his romantic triangle again with Reese Witherspoon, Paul Rudd and Owen Wilson. Three characters far more interesting than your usual romcom shtick. Then, of course, there is the friendship between Rudd and his assistant, played by the great Kathryn Hahn which is a focal point of the show and while there are caveats to distance them from being romantically linked, it is another genuine, sweet relationship that the show is always on the lookout for.


Episode 9: Columbus


Episode 7: Roxanne