S.2 E.9 - I Drink Your Blood (1970)

Before Boyle cleared out London, before Snyder tacked a mediocre remake onto a strong opening sequence, before Cronenberg went beyond the green door to ask for Marilyn Chamber's phone number, David Durston was there, making zombies who ran hella fast. Raconteur, TV writer, actor and possible gigantic liar (seriously, some of his life stories are wild), Durston was a cuddly madman who saw news footage of caged children foaming at the mouth and thought "that'd make for a fun movie, if only you could squeeze Charles Manson in there".

So it is on this episode of Tracks of the Damned, the horror film commentary track podcast, that we look at one of the gnarliest and most fun horror trash epics of the 1970's, I Drink Your Blood. But why is it that a movie about Satanist Murder Cult Real-Live-Chicken-Sacrificing Hippies Who Eat Tampered Meat Pies And Decapitate A Small Town's Worth of Upstate New York Bumpkins so much fun to us? Is it because we're sick weirdos or is it because seeing the lines of good taste crossed satisfies a primal urge to violate societal taboos in the safety of our own theater seats?

It's probably the first one, but just in case Gabe Powers of Genre Grinder joins Patrick for a post-commentary discussion about transgressive movies, offensive content, and how genre fans navigate the line between watching Cannibal Holocaust and being a good person. Check it out, SADOS commands you!

0:00 - 4:54  -  2020 Intro
4:55 - 6:21  -  2017 Intro
6:22 - 1:31:20  -  Commentary
1:31:21 - 2:27:04  -  Conversation w/ Gabe Powers on transgressive films
2:27:05 - 2:30:36  -  2020 Outro


Bonus - Friday the 13th Part 7: The New Blood (1988) w/ Bill Ackerman of Supporting Characters


Bonus - Friday the 13th Part 6: Jason Lives (1986)