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Episode #73: Get Carter (2000)

Heading back to remake country! We do spend a lot of time there, come to think of it. Big thanks to Jason Krawczyk (@every1question) for picking a flick with a strong ensemble. That does help a lot. Be sure to check out Jason's movie He Never Died (from 2015) as soon as possible, especially if you love Henry Rollins.

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Episode #72: Who's That Girl (1987)

The year was 1987. Madonna was unstoppable. Unless you count movies. 

Big thanks to my pal Laurel Vail (@laurelvail) for returning! And thanks to all listeners, patrons, supporters, and their pets. 

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Episode #71: The Wicker Man (2006)

Regardless of if you're a Nicolas Cage fanatic, a horror nut, or a movie enthusiast in general, odds are you've seen at least some of this certifiably insane remake of a true genre classic. Memes, gifs, and random scenes from this flick still show up on social media with amusing frequency, so let's ask the question: is it really that bad? For this discussion I'm joined by world-class film critic Christy Lemire (@christylemire).

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Episode #70: Masters of the Universe (1987)

Gen X action figure icon He-Man got his own live-action movie in 1987... and it did not go well. But enough blather from me. My guest for this super-sized episode is The Flop House's Elliott Kalan (@elliottkalan), and we get into all sorts of nerdly discussions and digressions. Thanks to all listeners, patrons, guests, and general well-wishers.

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Episode #69: Charlie's Angels (2019)

This third adaptation of the iconic '70s TV series hit theaters in late 2019 and quickly vanished without a trace, and it sure didn't seem like film critics or movie nuts gave it half a chance. Fortunately, we have astute film critics like Alonso Duralde (@aduralde), who are more than happy to come to the movie's defense. 

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Episode #68: Xanadu (1980)

I'm starting to realize that you could do an entire year of Overhated just on disaster movies and musicals. There's just so much that can go wrong on those movies, I guess. And man was 1980 a weird / bad year for movie musicals. For this episode I'm joined by film critic Kristen Lopez (@journeys_film), who has a firm love for all things musical-related. (well, almost all.) And the topic is... Xanadu.

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New Podcast on Patreon: Horror Yearbook!

Hello, loyal listeners! Here you'll find a segment from my new podcast, which is called Horror Yearbook, and my co-host is my old friend (and writer/filmmaker) Ben Rock! It's a patreon-exclusive podcast but I wanted to give you a free sample. Like the best ice cream shops do. And don't forget that my patreon has dozens of Overhated episodes that won't hit the public feed for a while! 

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Episode #67: The Black Hole (1979)

By late 1979 every big movie studio was churning out sci-fi movies and hoping to catch a fraction of the Star Wars success story. And this was Disney's shot. Suffice to say it didn't go all that well, but there are still lots of Gen Xers who harbor fond memories of this dry, weird, and frequently creepy space adventure. Big thanks to my guest Paul Osborne (@paulmakesmovies).

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Episode #66: Sorcerer (1977)

After hitting Hollywood with two smash hits in The French Connection and The Exorcist, director William Friedkin could have chosen practically anything for his next movie. So he chose to remake a beloved international classic in the middle of the jungle. And then practically everything went wrong. For this underappreciated classic I'm joined by filmmaker Scott Derrickson (@scottderrickson), who you'll know from movies like Sinister, Dr. Strange, and The Black Phone. Suffice to say that Scott loves this movie deeply, and you'll hear why in this super-sized episode.

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Episode #65: More American Graffiti (1979)

When I brought this movie up on twitter, some agreed it was overhated, some thought it was not, and a good portion of folks didn't even know it existed. Now that's a good movie to cover. Big thanks to hardcore movie fanatic Stone Gasman (@stonegasman) for choosing this fascinating misfire and for providing tons of good insights.

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Episode #64: Hancock (2008)

This one was one of 2008's biggest hits at the box office -- but when's the last time you heard someone talk about it, let alone say something nice? There's a lot to discuss regarding this off-kilter action comedy (with pathos!), so I'm joined by the excellent Aundria Parker (@parkerandcooley) and we have a good time breaking the movie down.

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Overhated TV #2: Manimal (1983)

Yes, kids. There was actually a TV show about a detective who solved crimes by transforming into various animals. The 1980s were a silly time. And for a TV show this absurd, we need an amusing TV expert like Ken Reid (@kennethWreid) of the TV Guidance Counselor podcast!

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Episode #63: Joe Versus the Volcano (1990)

Just a few years before he became the world's most adorable movie star, Tom Hanks appeared in a big handful of colorful movies, and while this 1990 effort didn't exactly blow the box office down, it has grown into a bona-fide cult favorite over the decades. And I happened to find a film expert who calls Joe Versus the Volcano his favorite movie of all time.

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Episode #62: A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001)

Can a movie directed by one of the most celebrated filmmakers of all time be overhated? Well, sure. Reggie Jackson once said that the worst thing about having a 4 homer game is that people expect you to do it every night -- and that definitely holds true for filmmakers too. This really is one of the director's most divisive films -- and it's not the last Spielberg movie we'll cover on Overhated! Anyway, our guest for this lengthy episode is a literal rock star: it's Aaron "P-Nut" Wills from 311!  follow him on twitter for confirmation! (@pnut)

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Episode #61: The Hitcher (2007)

The original version of The Hitcher arrived in theaters in 1986, and while it wasn't a big hit (the movie actually lost money), it became a cult favorite the moment it hit home video and cable TV. (Rest in peace, Rutger Hauer!) So of course there was bound to be a remake of this one during the Great Remake Deluge of the 2000s. For this episode I'm joined by horror historian / critic / nerd Brian Collins (@brianWcollins) to discuss the practically forgotten and potentially overhated 2007 version.

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Overhated TV #1: Fastlane (2002)

I needed a fun sidebar for the patrons, and I may have settled on a good one.  Join me and TV nerd Merrill Barr (@merrillbarr) as we discuss a semi-forgotten McG action series from 2002. Plus it's on Tubi now so you can savor the high-octane editing for yourself. Thanks to Merrill and patrons! (And feel free to throw me some suggestions for upcoming episodes! Yes, I'll be covering Cop Rock, and Manimal.)

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Episode #60: The Ladykillers (2004)

Could a Coen brothers' film be (gasp) overhated? Let's sit down with film critic / author / biographer Shawn Levy (@shawnlevy) and find out! (He's also a poet.)

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Episode #59: The Thing (2011)

When you invite a comparison to John Carpenter's 1982 classic The Thing, you're kind of looking for trouble. But then to remove most of the practical monster FX at the last minute? That's just madness. Join me and horror writer Ben Rock (@neptunesalad) as we take a look back at this oddly fascinating prequel.

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Episode #58: Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)

Any longtime Friday the 13th fan, especially the older ones, would probably agree that Part 8 is the most frequently maligned chapter of the original octology. (Well, Part 8 or Part 5, anyway.) So it was a lot of fun to discuss this movie with my good pal and Found Footage 3D director Steven DeGennaro (@stevendegennaro), a man who deeply loves horror movies.

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Episode #57: Supernova (2000)

If you need someone to defend an "indefensible" movie, veteran film writer Walter Chaw (@mangiotto) is someone you want on your starting team. One might think it'd be difficult to find positive things to say about this messy sci-fi bomb, but Walter has no problem doing so -- probably because he's been knee-deep in Walter Hill cinema in preparation for his new book! So if you're a big fan of the guy who gave us The Warriors, 48 HRS. and (yes) Supernova, then this episode is for you.

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