Bonus - Freddy Vs. Jason (2003) feat. Gabe Powers of Genre Grinder

It took 17 years, three god-awful sequels, 18 spec scripts and meetings with every person who ever worked in Hollywood but we got here, we have arrived, grab your shit from the overhead bin because the plane has landed, Freddy Vs. Jason is upon us.

A stupid idea inspired by only the most juvenile among the fanbases somehow, some way, turned out to be one of the best entries in either series, a well-crafted and energetic bit of party cinema, grab your gummi bears and throw them at the screen, shouting is enouraged! And in that spirit join Patrick as well as Genre Grinder's Gabe Powers for a rollicking good time commentary that dares to ask:

When did horror movie soundtracks become heavy metal mixtapes? Where did Kane Hodder go? And who the hell approved that original ending that caps off a decades-awaited monster mash with Freddy committing sexual assault?

All that PLUS we pitch our own Freddy Vs. Jason ideas on this latest episode of Tracks of the Damned!

0:00 - 5:12  -  Intro

5:13 - 1:50:57  -  Commentary

1:50:58 - 2:08:39  - Our Freddy Vs. Jason Pitches

2:08:40 - 2:13:40  -  Outro


Apocalypse 2021 - A Tracks of the Damned Halloween Mix


Bonus - Jason X (2001)