Bonus - Jason X (2001)

He went to development hell and stayed there but now Jason is escaping to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism: SPAAAACE.

Yes, since "Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman but slasher" was apparently too monumental a task for New Line to tackle Sean S. Cunningham once again delayed Freddy Vs. Jason to boldly go where Hellraiser, Leprechaun AND Critters had already gone before, none of them successfully. But would Jason X be the film to crack that "Horror Franchise In Space" nut?

No, it sucks.

But I meant what I said and I said what I meant, a podcaster's faithful One Hundred Percent, so we're doing a commentary track for Jason X anyway, watching Jason kill 24 people, an entire space station, and more than a few careers. Let me give you an upload!

0:00 - 3:31  -  Intro

3:32 - 1:37:30  -  Commentary

1:37:31 - 1:46:40  -  Outro


Bonus - Freddy Vs. Jason (2003) feat. Gabe Powers of Genre Grinder


Bonus - Jason Goes To Hell (1993)